YouTube Creator of Videos About Guitar Building and Modding,
Firearm and Music Gear Reviews.
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Guns and Guitars (Official Trailer)

Build your DREAM BOUTIQUE AMP and CABINET!!! (for less than $500 TOTAL)

NEW RUGER PC CHARGER - AR9 KILLER? (Full Review and Demo)

Build your DREAM HH SUPER STRAT for less than $250! (feat. GUITAR MAX)
My story really begins back in high school when I first learned to love music playing bass guitar. I continued that to pursue music in college and graduated with a Bachelor degree in Jazz and commercial music.
That led to a career as a free lance musician in Orange County, Ca. God had other plans for me though in ministry at a Christian Youth Camp in Northern Arizona as a multi-media production engineer.
Then three years ago I felt a call from God to pursue something else, but I wasn't quite sure what, I just knew it was supposed to involve my two great passions guns and guitars (try explaining that to your wife). So being obedient, I began a YouTube channel about those passions, which led to Guns and Guitars!